I am a graphic artist as well as aspiring technical and software engineer. I have been drawing for years and have been animating for one year. I’ve practiced in many methods of creating art including oil paintings, watercolor, pottery, and digital. I often volunteer to give classes on certain art topics such as animation and costume design at my local art center. While much of my time is spent developing my artistic abilities, my true passion is mechanical and software engineering. My experience in engineering and programming starts with multiple years of taking classes in LEGO mind-storms engineering, also taking part in multiple completions. I now attend WHEA a project based learning school where I have gotten to spend much of my time working on robots for the First Robotics Competition under the FLL, an international competition for high schools entertaining the idea of STEM learning. This year our team qualified in the South Pacific regionals and were alliance captains in the world finals in Houston, meaning that we were in the top 8 of our finals division consisting of almost 80 teams. My responsibilities in this team are currently as lead programmer, programming instructor, veteran engineer, and have learned how to and been given permission to use a wide variety of power tools. I spend my free time practicing coding through text and logic based rpgs, exercising for physical fitness, and practicing my artwork.
HomeI am a graphic artist as well as aspiring technical and software engineer. I have been drawing for years and have been animating for one year. I’ve practiced in many methods of creating art including oil paintings, watercolor, pottery, and digital. I often volunteer to give classes on certain art topics such as animation and costume design at my local art center. While much of my time is spent developing my artistic abilities, my true passion is mechanical and software engineering. My experience in engineering and programming starts with multiple years of taking classes in LEGO mind-storms engineering, also taking part in multiple completions. I now attend WHEA a project based learning school where I have gotten to spend much of my time working on robots for the First Robotics Competition under the FLL, an international competition for high schools entertaining the idea of STEM learning. This year our team qualified in the South Pacific regionals and were alliance captains in the world finals in Houston, meaning that we were in the top 8 of our finals division consisting of almost 80 teams. My responsibilities in this team are currently as lead programmer, programming instructor, veteran engineer, and have learned how to and been given permission to use a wide variety of power tools. I spend my free time practicing coding through text and logic based rpgs, exercising for physical fitness, and practicing my artwork.