The One Stop Shop

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Quicker Search Times

TOSS is The One Stop Shop for all products that you could ever need. We save you time by listing the product you want from all of the websites across the web. By putting everything in one spot, the customer is in control, and can make choices based on their criteria


Built For You To Save Money

Our site's search and sort algorithm pulls products and their information including price, shipping prices, and taxes, then lists the products from cheapest to most expensive to give you everything that you need to make an informed purchase.


Filter to Find YOUR Fit

TOSS has a plethora of filters that allow you to get specific when you are searching for items across the web. We want to show you the product that you are looking for, whether it's PS4's or shoes, our filters give unique options to narrow your search.

Mauna Kea, the starting point of our venture
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Our Team


Implementation, Operations and Marketing Lead


Vision and Photography/Videography Lead


Project Manager,
Design and Analytics/Growth Lead


Product Manager and Presentation/Relationships Lead

Shop quicker, easier, and more efficiently with TOSS
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